Our Ministries

Women's Ministry

 Women’s ministries is an opportunity for the local church to touch many lives of women by the power of Holy Spirit. Through there ministry, Christian women are touching the world in varied and creative ways. They are doing ministry beyond personal interests and comfort zones to embrace women of all ages. They are building an environment for women to mentor women a place where women can learn, practice, biblical love and feel God’s love in a very real way. We started our Ladies Fellowship in 2011 under the leadership of Sis. Debora. Since then we have a strong and growing ministry under the leadership. They are meeting every second Saturday for fellowship and also contributing their talents and support in various ministries of the church.

The mission of women’s ministry is to touch lives of women and girls by the transforming power of Jesus Christ and by the touch of the Holy Spirit.

  1. Reaching women through the love of Jesus Christ
  2. Building wholeness and balance both spiritually and mentally, through the consistent prayer and study of God’s Word.
  3. Discipling women to follow Chirst’s example and live overcoming lives
  4. Providing an atmosphere for women to develop their gifts, abilities and lasting relationships
  5. Training women to find their places of ministry and effectively touch their world for Christ.
  6. Encouraging them to be a good daughters, wives, and mothers in their family.
  7. Equipping the women to be self supportive and generate income for their family and the 

Welcome to our family of love and fellowship..

Kids Church

We started our kids church in July 2018 with the purpose of raising a new generation that hears about Jesus, loves Jesus, be transformed by Him and follows him. Every Sunday we meet to worship Jesus and learn more about Him in your own language (hindi& English), in a simple way, easy to understand according the age of everyone. We have a dedicated team of volunteers in our Kids Church who are in charge of do more than keep your kids entertained. Every sessions include:  praise and worship, prayer, fun games, preaching, teaching in small groups, and different activities.

Bible says: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22.6. So, do not leave your children at home; but instead, bring them to the kid’s church. 


Kids Church

Ablaze Youth Fellowship

Ablaze Youth Fellowship, being a part of NLFAG, is operating with a goal to bring the Kingdom of God among the youths. Our AIM is to bring the lost youths into the purpose of God which is to serve and worship the True and only Living God so that they may have a compassionate heart, helping nature and dedicated life. Our VISION is to build a family of devoted youths following Christ that worships God, shares Christ’s hope and love, and ministers to each other’s needs. Our MISSION is to make believers out of unbelievers and disciple out of believers. Our DREAM is to see every youth to be filled with the joy of the Lord. Our DESIRE is to live to burn for Jesus.

We welcome you to join hands with us and serve as a passenger in taking God’s glory to every corner of Kanpur among the youth. Contact us today and enrol yourselves for our next youth activity.

Sunday School

The Sunday school has been the foremost vehicle for teaching the prociples of the Christian religion and the Bible. The faculty at NLFAG Sunday School are responsible for a range of tasks including developing lesson plans and leading children in educational activities. When your Child attends a Sunday School, you can be rest assured that you have qualified help with their spiritual education. Jesus said“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

We have 6 different age groups at NLFAG Sunday School.

1. Beginners from the age of 3 to 5

2. Primary from the age of 6-8

3. Junior from the age of 9 to 11

4. Intermediate from the age of 12-15

5. Senior from the age of 16-18

6. Adults that are 18+

Waiting to meet you in the upcoming class, next Sunday!