Ablaze Youth Fellowship

Ablaze Youth Fellowship, being a part of NLFAG, is operating with a goal to bring the Kingdom of God among the youths.

  • Our AIM is to bring the lost youths into the purpose of God which is to serve and worship the True and only Living God so that they may have a compassionate heart, helping nature and dedicated life.
  • Our VISION is to build a family of devoted youths following Christ that worships God, shares Christ’s hope and love, and ministers to each other’s needs.
  • Our MISSION is to make believers out of unbelievers and disciple out of believers.
  • Our DREAM is to see every youth to be filled with the joy of the Lord.
  • Our DESIRE is to live to burn for Jesus.

We meet the desperate in the hospitals to pray for them and share God’s love, the depressed to help find true Joy through salvation; help people regain their lost hope through Jesus Christ; provide food to the needy.

We welcome you to join hands with us and serve as a passenger in taking God’s glory to every corner of World among the youth. Contact us today and enroll yourselves for our next youth activity.