
         NLFAG is a recognised Church of the Assemblies of God in North India. In 2002, God birthed, a desire in the heart of a sister RV and brother V. Varghese from New Delhi, to do something new for ministry in North India. Met during a prayer conference in Lucknow (U.P.), both initially shared a personal burden. Brother Vince shared a personal burden to reach professionals for Jesus in North India and sister shared her burden and interest in reaching the lost. While praying, God spoke to her about Kanpur city (U.P.), showing her a vision of a hall, ready to preach the gospel. Not knowing the city well, they both began to study the city, it’s history and it’s culture and prayed for the advancement of the gospel.

         During first few months, brother Varghese And sister RV along with other prayer warriors started interceding for the city. During one of the prayer drives to Kanpur, sister saw evil forces moving backwards and angels receiving the intercessory prayer team while entering Kanpur city. In 2003, brother Vince moved to the heart of the city followed by sister RV. Soon, as Holy Spirit directed the counselling centre for person development CCPD was birthed. CCPD was advertised throughout the city. People began reaching out with various issues including adolescent issues, behavioral issues, poor social skills, career counselling, pre-marital challenges, relationship issues, addiction and depression. God used CCPD as a means to meet new people for missions. Soon started giving new connections and small house meetings were initiated until we found the place which God had prepared beforehand for us to meet on Sundays.

          In December 2004 the Lord miraculously provided a beautiful service banquet hall in the heart of Kanpur, rent free, where New Life Fellowship Assembly of God (NLFAG) gathered as a church and worshipped until the sale of the restaurant in September 2011. Again, God miraculously opened a door and NLFAG moved to E.P Church, a historical Pentecostal Church building that was vacant in Kanpur city. In 2007, God moved Pastor Varghese to another assignment and God brought Rev. Alwin Joy from Kerala,  to lead the ministries of NLFAG.

          In 2006, Pastor Alwin Joy came to Kanpur while he was studying in the Bible College to do his internship for six months. God connected him to the vision and the ministry as he was serving the church in that period. He never wanted to come back to Kanpur and serve as a pastor in this church. But God’s plan and purpose was different. God brought him to Kanpur in 2006 as a preparatory period for the ministry and the purpose God has chosen him. In April 2008, God took him back to Kanpur to continue the ministry after his graduation from the Bible College. In this season of transition, it became so difficult for him to handle the transaction and ministering alone. He thought to continue for an year and move to another place. But God didn’t allow him to move from this city, but strengthened him to continue the will of God and fulfil the ministry which he is called for. As some of the members moved out and the shifts in the leaderships, he really got discouraged, but it was God’s plan so that this church could enter into a new era and reach many in the coming years. God gradually guided him to take small steps and move forward. God started working through him as he was obedient to God’s voice. God blessed the ministry, people started coming and we were able to reach many places, prepare many for the nations. God is still working wonderfully through him in this church.

           We are continuing to build up the church with discipleship and reaching the unreached. Today under the leadership of our Senior Pastor Alwin Joy, God raised many leaders and pastors to work with him shoulder to shoulder for the expansion of His kingdom. God used this church to plant many other AG churches, Bible Training Centre, care cells and also became a blessing for many churches in India and abroad. As God is leading us, we are praying for a revival in this city, to be a model church and many lives to be transformed and blessed through the ministries of this Church and to be a blessing to this city.