Sunday School

The Sunday school has been the foremost vehicle for teaching the prociples of the Christian religion and the Bible. The faculty at NLFAG Sunday School are responsible for a range of tasks including developing lesson plans and leading children in educational activities. When your Child attends a Sunday School, you can be rest assured that you have qualified help with their spiritual education. Jesus said“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

We have 6 different age groups at NLFAG Sunday School.

1. Beginners from the age of 3 to 5

2. Primary from the age of 6-8

3. Junior from the age of 9 to 11

4. Intermediate from the age of 12-15

5. Senior from the age of 16-18

6. Adults that are 18+

Waiting to meet you in the upcoming class, next Sunday!